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Male factor infertility is common, affecting up to 40% of all infertile couples. When non-surgical and natural remedies fail to improve fertility, surgical and reconstructive options are the key to help affected men. Common surgical procedures may include: varicocele repair, ejaculatory duct resection, vasectomy reversal, testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) , testicular sperm extraction( TESE) and micro-dissection TESE( Micro -TESE)
Varicose vein disorder is the most common cause of male infertility and fortunately the most correctable one. An improvement in sperm count and motility can be seen as soon as 4 to 6 months after surgery.
An obstruction of the seminal pathways, which may lead to severe azoospermia can be treated by the resection of the ejaculatory duct.
During a vasectomy, the doctor blocks the tubes, called the vas deferens, which carry sperm from testes to penis. The most commonly performed procedure to reverse that is to reconnect the separated ends of the vas deferens.
In this technique, a very fine needle is passed into the testicles under anaesthetic and a small amount of material is removed from the tissue, if there is insufficient sperm in the ejaculate.
This is an advanced procedure, which allows the urologist to obtain sperm from the testis using a microscope, even if sperm retrievals done earlier did not produce viable sperm for IVF.